
Monday, July 26, 2010

Resolved: Grouping Issues in SharePoint Data View WebPart - Part2

SharePoint Data View WebPart grouping and Filtering:

In continuation to our previous blog l'll further demonstrate on how to add a message under each group if no records are found: something of this sort "No records found for this Group"


If we use the default filtering available in the SharePoint Data View WebPart or the XSLT filtering we cannot display this message under each group which has no records satisfying the criteria provided. Say for example under Group1 we have 3 SubGroups and under Group2 we have 5 SubGroups When the parameters passed are say "Group1", "Group2", "SubGroup4" and "SubGroup5" then we get the records displayed for "Group2" and nothing would displayed for "Group1" not even the header. Also as per our example in the previous Post (parameters passed as above) we get the Group Header (Group1) but nothing under it. Please refer the image below:


  1. Find the Group Header Template (dvt_1.groupheader0) in this at the end of the "tr" tag add another "tr" tag with ID as "trNoRecords"
  2. Inside that "tr" add the required text: for example "No records found for this Group"
  3. Now lets add some JavaScript Code to get the desired results: I have clubbed the whole JavaScript in to one function that is from Previous Blog (Green) and the Current Blog (Red)
function HideGroup()
var vTable = document.getElementById('tblRows');
var vTRelement = vTable.getElementsByTagName("TR");
for(i=0;i < vTRelement.length;i++)
if(vTRelement[i].id == "group1")

var vNextSibling = vTRelement[i].nextSibling;
if(vNextSibling != null)

if( != "displayRows")
vTRelement[i].style.display = "none";

vTRelement[i].style.display = "none";

else if(vTRelement[i].id == "trNoRecords")
var vNextSibling = vTRelement[i].nextSibling;

var vCount = 0;
while( != "group0")
if(vNextSibling != null)
if( == "displayRows")

vNextSibling = vNextSibling.nextSibling;
if(vNextSibling == null)
vTRelement[i].style.display = "none";




Once this is added we can see the desired result as shown in the below figure:

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